AMKM Announcements 5/21
Good Afternoon!
Thank you to everyone who attended the Zoom Meeting last night! We are so excited to see all of you back in the gym soon!
Recap/ Reminders…
1. Team Classes begin June 1st.
2. You must commit to the guidelines & returning to class by Friday, May 22nd. Please be proactive and let us know vs us having to reach out to you! Class schedules are determined based on these signups.
3. General Waiver & Covid Waiver must be turned in prior to June 1st. General Waiver & COVID Waiver (you can print, sign, snap a pic & email it back!)
4. Class Schedules will be sent out on Tuesday, May 26th. Your gymnast# will be included with Class Schedules.
(Tentative Schedule: The Farm- Mon/TL/Wed/ThL/Fri: USA Mon/Wed: Level 7, Open Optional Tues/Thurs: Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 The Avenue- Mon: Level 1, 3 Tues: Level 2, Wed: Level 3)
5. The Farm registration process remains the same. Payments can be made via envelope at check-in or check-out. You can also let us know via email what to charge to any balance you have.
6. The Avenue registration is the same online but please disregard the days/ times for classes as the schedule will be different for our initial opening. Payments are made online. Reminder- a negative amount means a credit on your Studio Director account!
7. New team member deadline is moved to July 1st. Competition garments will be ordered July 10th.
8. Face coverings/ Masks are required for all gymnasts and parents/ authorized guardians at check-in, entry to the gym and exit.
9. No bags or additional items are allowed in the gym. We suggest limiting items to… Mask/ Shoes/ Leo/ Grips/ Water Bottle/ No Prep Dinner (Farm only) **water fountains are closed
10. Summer Camp is running as planned. Registration deadline is moved to June 15th.
11. End of Summer Bash has been cancelled. Friday camp will still run as planned.
12. The Avenue: 1 observer per gymnast
13. The Farm: limit to 3 observers total, you must sign up in advance to allow for a rotation schedule to be set.
14. Recreational classes are not being held at this time. More information to follow at a later date.
15. We are excited to be back in the gym doing what we love! We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in following the guidelines in our AMKM Covid-19 Toolkit!
Please let us know if you have any questions!