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AMKM Announcements 5/25

Coach Amanda

Good Afternoon!

The School Year Session ends this week! Summer Session begins next Tuesday, May 31st! Be sure to note your new schedules & register for classes asap if you are not already signed up!

Closes Today! AMKM National Apparel: The online apparel store for Nationals items closes today- 5/25! Order your items asap!

Memorial Day: We are closed at both locations on Monday, May 30th in observation of Memorial Day.

Wisconsin District Orders from Ozone: Leotards, t-shirts and shorts from the Wisconsin District order by Ozone are in! These items are available for pickup at the front desk at both locations now!

***Cinch bags are delayed and will not arrive until mid-June. If you ordered an AXS t-shirt, it was substituted for an AS t-shirt due to availability.

Summer Classes at The Avenue & The Farm: Summer Session classes begin on Tuesday, May 31st. Register online today!

***Reminder: If your gymnast is attending a double class (4 hours in 1 night), they will take a dinner/ snack break from 6pm to 6:20pm. A microwave is available at both locations but not a refrigerator.

2022-2023 Team Commitments: Team Commitments are due June 1st! If you are a current team member, please email us no later than June 1st to commit to team for next season! There will be no late adds, so please let us know asap! If you are not continuing with team, letting us know asap would be appreciated!

2022-2023 Team Parent Meeting- Mandatory: We will be having our Team Parent meeting for next season on June 5th at 5pm held at The Avenue! This will replace the meeting we normally have in the fall! Attendance is required for all parents/ guardians of 2022-2023 team members!

2022-2023 Competition Garments: We will be ordering competition garments for the 2022-2023 season on June 5th. If you need new garments, please return your completed garment form on or before June 5th!

Please let us know if you have any questions!



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