AMKM Announcements 9/26- Apparel Order Reminders
Good Morning!
The P&P Online Store for AMKM Apparel closes today! Glitterstarz Slides Orders are due today! Details below!
P&P Online Store- AMKM Apparel: Our online store with P&P Products for AMKM Apparel is now open! It will close on today- Monday, Sept 26th. Store Link:
GlitterStarz Slides Order- AMKM Apparel: We are placing an order for AMKM slides! Orders are due no later than today- Sept 26th @ 8pm. Please return completed forms via email!
Gym Treasures Online Store- AMKM Apparel: **New Items** We have new apparel items through the online store with Gym Treasures! The store will remain open for the rest of the year! Payment is done at the time of ordering and items will be shipped directly to you!
AMKM Online Store Link:
Cashton Carpool: We have a family interested in a carpool from the Cashton Area to The Avenue on Mondays & Thursdays. Please contact Katie if you are interested!
Important Dates: 22.23
October 31st: Halloween- No Classes
November 24th: Thanksgiving- No Classes
December 12th- Friday, December 16th: All Classes held at The Avenue
December 26th-Friday, December 30th: Closed for Christmas & New Years
January 6th: Recreational Showcase
January 7th-8th: AMKM Shine Bright Invite
March 10th: Recreational Showcase
March 11th-12th: AMKM Keep Your Balance Invite
May 26th: Last Day of School Year Session
Please let us know if you have any questions!
