AMKM- State Meet Video Participation
Good Morning!
Our friends at Hub City Gymnastics have invited us to participate in a video including gymnasts who were to have competed at AAU State Meet this weekend!
Here is their request & instructions!! It would be awesome to see AMKM Gymnasts participate!! We encourage you to wear your team leo and scrunchie!
Hello -
Hub City Gymnastics is working on a little video with several Wisconsin clubs represented in unity in honor of celebrating the end of our competition season which is often culminated at the state meet (for AAU clubs which was scheduled for this weekend). If you would like to participate, take a short video clip of your athlete and send to by the end of the day on Thursday (4/16). This is totally optional. Keep in mind that it will be used on social media and shared amongst clubs, so if you don't want it shared on social media you should not participate. The video will be clipped together with athletes from other clubs and teams and posted on social media on Saturday.
What to do? Wear your team leotard or a shirt/leo with your team name. Have a family member form outside the frame toss you a medal from the ATHLETES LEFT. The athlete will do a skill (handstand, cartwheel, leap, jump - something safe for your space) then toss the medal away to the right.